Aging & Sex

Aging & Sex

Sexuality, at any age of life, is an integral part of the psychophysical health of the individual. Aging and Sex Drive remain connected. Even in old age, one needs to feel loved and be the object of attention and affection, and for this reason, it is important not to give up on living the sexual dimension serenely.

Although in our time, the weight of false beliefs that led to considering sexuality in old age as superfluous or even unseemly has diminished, today, many older adults have difficulty coping with the natural changes associated with aging and seeking help in case sexual problems arise.

Dr. Erande recognizes this need and offers a safe space for seniors to address and overcome sexual issues. Through compassionate care and tailored guidance, we empower the elderly to embrace their sexuality fully.

What are the sexual changes with aging?

Sexual changes with aging do not consist of a decrease in sexual pleasure and desire with age but in a change in sexual habits.

In men - Sexual changes in men are due to a reduction in testosterone levels. These changes affect:

  • Fat mass
  • Muscle mass
  • Bone density
  • Sexual function

In women - Sexual changes with aging in women occur after menopause and are due to a reduction in estrogen levels. Such changes cause:

One common effect of reduced estrogen levels is a significant increase in vaginal dryness. Without adequate estrogen support, the vaginal tissues become less lubricated, which can lead to discomfort during sexual activity.

The walls of the vagina become thinner, which is more susceptible to irritation during intercourse.

Another change is the thinning of vaginal tissues, making them more susceptible to irritation during intercourse. This can cause discomfort and even pain, impacting a woman's sexual enjoyment.

It's not uncommon for women to experience a longer time to reach sexual arousal as they age. While this may require more patience and extended foreplay, it's essential to understand that it can enhance intimacy and create more meaningful connections.

Embracing these changes and seeking appropriate medical advice, such as from experts like Dr. Erande, can help navigate the natural evolution of our sexual lives.

How Do Various Factors Shape Aging and Sexuality?

In the study of sexuality in the aging person, the possible anatomical, hormonal, and neurological modifications take on meaning only if they are integrated with an understanding of the psychological and social aspects. Talking about sexuality in the elderly, therefore, means taking into consideration the factors that in this phase of life affect satisfactory self-fulfillment in relation to the bodily modifications linked to aging.

Psychological factors - Among the psychological factors that can influence sexuality, we find the emotions of anxiety and depression, the fear of getting old and of being alone, the fear of not being attractive anymore, the alterations of one's body image connected to the physiological changes typical of advancing age, the experience of oneself as a personable or not to feel and give affection and pleasure.

Societal variables mostly include changes in family and societal roles (for example, retirement). Furthermore, the feeling of loneliness affects the quality of social contact and can cause an inhibition of sexuality.

Biological factors- They concern the natural physical changes associated with age. The most evident modification, for man, is that of needing more intense and prolonged stimuli (physical or mental) to achieve and maintain an erection. The time of excitation tends to lengthen, the intensity of the orgasm changes – however, the resulting satisfaction and sense of fulfillment remain unchanged – and the refractory period (the time between orgasm and the possibility of having a new erection) tends to stretch a lot.

At our clinic in Pune and Mumbai, India, Dr. Erande specializes in senior sexual well-being, considering the complexities of Aging and Sex Drive. With a focus on holistic care, we integrate medical expertise with psychological and social support, ensuring that all aspects of aging-related sexuality are addressed effectively. Our approach acknowledges the multifaceted nature of aging and its intricate connection to intimate aspects of life—partner with us to embrace a fulfilling and satisfying journey of aging and sexuality.

What steps can help overcome the problems of sexual changes with aging?

Changes due to sexual changes with aging are inevitable. However, you can find some tricks to maintain a good level of satisfaction with your sex life:

  • Increasing the duration of foreplay and direct contact with the sexual organs
  • Reduce, with the consent of the doctor, the use of drugs that inhibit sexual response
  • Limit your alcohol intake.

In this journey of adapting to age-related shifts, the guidance of experts like Dr. Erande can be invaluable. Dr. Erande's expertise illuminates innovative approaches to embracing these changes, ensuring a fulfilling and gratifying sexual journey throughout the aging process.

What are the risks related to sexual changes with aging?

Individuals experience a variety of age-related bodily changes that might lead to an increased sensitivity to sexually transmitted infections (STDs). It is recommended that elders use preventive measures like condoms and lubricants on a regular basis. These precautions are critical in reducing the risk of STD transmission. Furthermore, incorporating frequent check-ups and open contact with healthcare specialists can aid in gaining a thorough awareness of one's sexual health. Consultation with professionals such as Dr. Erande, a renowned leader in senior sexual health in Pune and Mumbai, India, may give vital aid in managing these changes.

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