Andropause-related sexual problems

Menopause / Andropause-related sexual problems

Every woman experiences menopause, a biological change, and similarly, men can undergo andropause, a comparable phenomenon, in their lives. Issues related to menopause might become evident, leading to a need for treatment based on personal circumstances. However, it also presents a great opportunity to think about enhancing health in the future.

Dr. Erande recognizes the importance of addressing these concerns and provides expert Solution on Menopause to individuals and couples alike in Pune and Mumbai, India.

What are menopause and andropause?

Menopause is an important stage in a woman's life, marked by decreased ovarian hormone production, primarily estrogen. Menstruation stops as a result of this natural process. Premenopause is before menopause, during which estrogen and progesterone production declines, producing monthly abnormalities. The term "menopause" describes a year where periods are absent. While this shift is most common between the ages of 40 and 55, it can occur at any age.

Distinct from menopause, andropause pertains to men and centers on diminishing testosterone levels. Unlike menopause, this decline gradually begins around 40-45 years. Symptoms of andropause can encompass a variety of concerns linked to this hormonal shift. Moreover, untreated andropause may heighten the risk of conditions like osteoporosis. Delving into the complexities of menopause and andropause, Dr. Erande offers expert guidance and personalized approaches to navigate these natural life transitions. Our clinic's commitment to holistic health empowers individuals to manage symptoms and promote well-being during these stages.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

Menopause symptoms characterize the period that marks the definitive interruption of the menstrual cycle and fertility. During this phase, also called climacteric, the symptoms can become real disorders undermining our serenity and psychophysical well-being.

The most common symptoms are hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, joint and muscle pain, tiredness, decreased sexual desire, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, and dry skin and hair.

What are the main symptoms of andropause?

As far as the andrological branch is concerned, the most important symptoms are linked to the appearance of sexual asthenia, a drop in libido, and, consequently, a less valid erectile response. From a systemic point of view, it is often associated with physical tiredness, loss of strength and muscle tone, reduction of lean mass, and less interest in normal activities previously faced with more vigor.

How is Menopause / Andropause- related sexual problems treated?

When it comes to female menopause, ayurvedic treatment can help if symptoms are due to estrogen deficiency.

However, andropause remains a minority phenomenon. Approximately 2.1% of men suffer from it, and this statistic depends on age. They are 0.1% to develop andropause between 40 and 49 years and 5.1% between 70 and 79 years.

Dr. Erande provides various therapy options tailored to each individual's specific needs in Pune and Mumbai, India. It's time to take control of your sexual health and well-being. Dr. Erande's knowledge can help you through the Solution on Menopause and andropause-related sexual issues.

We naturally treat hormone dependent changes in menopause as well as andropause. Ayurvedic medicine improves the vaginal dryness, libido and erection issues. These medicines enhance Sexual experience along with proper counseling.

As with age one should be ready for some changes - like:

  • More time and stimulation is required for erection.
  • More timely And intense foreplay for females for arousal.
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