Female Vaginismus

Female Vaginismus

Welcome to the transformative realm of Dr. Erande, where innovative solutions pave the way for conquering Vaginismus. Dr. Erande is a distinguished expert renowned for offering comprehensive Vaginismus treatment, heralding hope for individuals seeking liberation from this intimate challenge. Through cutting-edge approaches and compassionate care, Dr. Erande has emerged as a beacon of empowerment for those on their journey to overcoming Vaginismus in India.

What is Vaginismus?

Vaginismus is a conditioned reaction caused by the connection of pain and anxiety with vaginal penetration attempts or simply penetration fantasies alone. Physical pain or psychological suffering might have been the first negative trigger. The unpleasant disease may still be present in some cases, while it is not evident in others.

The genitals of a vaginismus woman are normal anatomically. When Vaginismus is present, the vaginal access narrows so severely that intercourse is difficult, and even vaginal exams must frequently be conducted under anesthetic.

What are the Symptoms of Vaginismus?

  • This disorder is caused by an involuntary spasm of the muscles around the vaginal access, which happens anytime an item is introduced into the vagina. Even the thought of placing anything into the vagina might provoke muscular spasms in some people.
  • The contraction in Vaginismus can range from moderate to severe, causing tension and pain and impeding penetration.
  • Patients with Vaginismus typically have fears of coitus and vaginal penetration in addition to the basic spasm of vaginal access. Coitus attempts are frustrating and unpleasant because of this phobic hesitation.
  • Penetration fear is frequently a subsequent reaction to main Vaginismus, although it can also be a fundamental reaction.

Dr. Erande provides comprehensive solutions to address these problems, allowing patients to recover comfort and confidence.

What are the different types of Vaginismus?

A woman can develop permanent Vaginismus if this problem exists from the start of sexual activity. Vaginismus is acquired if the problem appears after a time of normal functioning. Furthermore, this dysfunction might be situational (occurring only with a certain type of stimulation, in specific settings, and with specific partners) or universal (occurring regardless of the scenario, type of stimulation, or partner).

Contact Dr. Erande at our clinic in Mumbai, India, for personalized care and advice on Vaginismus. Dr. Erande and his staff, who specialize in sexual health concerns, are dedicated to guiding you on your path to a full and comfortable personal life.

What are the Causes of Vaginismus?

Vaginismus, a painful vaginal penetration condition, can be caused by a variety of medical and psychological reasons, including:

Medical conditions: Any disease of the pelvic organs that makes penetration or the sexual act uncomfortable at the same time or that has caused pain in the past might set the stage for the development of the vaginismus response.

Excessive hymen rigidity, painful hymenal remnants, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory illnesses, senile vaginal atrophy, pelvic malignancies, and other physical conditions are frequently suggested as causes of Vaginismus.

Obviously, if the local pathology is still the source of discomfort during sexual intercourse, it is vital to begin by curing or improving the patient's morbid state if the vaginismus therapy is to be successful.

Psychological and social factors: Much more frequently, Vaginismus is caused by a combination of psychological and social factors:

  • Rigorous religious upbringing
  • insufficient sexual information (distorted, imprecise information can cause emotions of pain and humiliation)
  • erectile dysfunction in partner
  • psychological implications of abuse

In general, any unpleasant sensation linked with sexual intercourse or vaginal penetration might cause this response to develop. This is true whether the unfavorable contingency is actual or imagined and whether or not the patient is aware of it.

As a result, the variables may vary, but the immediate reason is clear: Vaginismus develops when a negative contingency is connected with the act of vaginal penetration or even just with its mental picture.

Finally, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and difficulty relaxing are all potential risk factors for the disease.

What are the different Vaginismus treatment approaches?

The primary goal of Vaginismus treatment is to modify the disorder's direct cause: the conditioned response. The treatment consists of gradually deconditioning the involuntary spasms of the vaginal entry muscles.

However, in order to attain this aim, the phobic aversion to vaginal penetration must be eradicated by psychological techniques.

The approach for extinguishing the conditioned spasm response, in particular, can provide for the employment of dilators of increasing size, add fingering techniques according to the traditional methodology.

These are progressively placed into the vagina under the supervision of the patient, the physician, the lady, or her lover.

To guide you through this transformative journey towards overcoming Vaginismus, consider our clinic. With a profound understanding of the condition and a compassionate approach, Dr. Erande specializes in tailoring comprehensive Vaginismus treatment plans that combine proven methodologies with personalized care. At our clinic in Mumbai, India, you'll find a supportive environment where you can embark on your path to recovery with confidence, knowing that you're in expert hands.


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