Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction / Disorder

Sexual Dysfunction, affecting both genders, is increasingly prevalent, even among younger individuals, hampering their quality of life. Nonetheless, there's hope through ayurvedic treatment and anti-aging approaches.

To address such concerns, seeking professional help is paramount. Dr. Erande's Clinic specializes in natural treatments that restore and enhance sexual wellness. With a focus on holistic care, the clinic provides tailored solutions for patients of all ages. By combining medical expertise and advanced therapies, Dr. Erande's Clinic in Pune and Mumbai, India, empowers individuals to overcome sexual dysfunction and reclaim a fulfilling life.

What are the Symptoms of sexual dysfunction?

The symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction in both women and men look quite bright. If you notice its first signs in time and consult a doctor, you can solve this problem, at the same time avoiding other health risks.

Signs of sexual dysfunction in men:

  • Erectile dysfunction is indicated as an inadequate erection, brief disappearance during intercourse, or absence in the morning.
  • Too short intercourse.
  • Uncontrolled ejaculation.

Common features for both sexes:

  • Difficulty achieving orgasm for several sexual acts;
  • Reluctance to have sex.

What causes sexual dysfunctions?

Almost all women experience these feelings from time to time. They are associated, as a rule, with fatigue, malaise, and a consequence of illness. If these changes are delayed, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Causes of sexual dysfunction in women:

Hormonal changes (climax). The hormonal background that ensures the sexuality of a woman is formed due to the sufficient content of estrogens and androgens, female and male sex hormones. Deviations from the norm, as well as a malfunction of the organs of the endocrine system, can directly or indirectly affect female sexuality.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs- They often cause a deterioration in the sexual condition of a woman.
  • Dissatisfaction with your body- Often, this problem is associated with age-related changes.
  • Changes in the condition of the pelvic floor muscles- This may be due to rapid labor, accompanied by a rupture of the perineum.

In men, sexual dysfunction is usually called erectile dysfunction. It is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection necessary for regular sexual satisfaction.

Causes of erectile dysfunction can be:

  • Cardiovascular diseases- Elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins often signal heart and vascular issues.
  • Metabolic disorders like diabetes disrupt micro vascular circulation.
  • Nervous system damage is prevalent in youth due to past negative experiences and in mature individuals due to stress.
  • Penile ailments like Peyronie's disease.
  • Psychogenic factors are a common psychosomatic cause.
  • Prolonged drug use (e.g., beta-blockers, certain diuretics, antifungals).
  • Avitaminosis, where insufficient vitamins like A, B, and C reduce testosterone.
  • Past surgeries, hernias, and lumbar problems also affect virility.
  • Smoking is a culprit in diminishing both penile length and function.
  • Infrequent sex, less than once a month, heightens the risk.

How are sexual disorders treated?

The treatment for sexual disorders depends on the cause. If a woman is dissatisfied with the aesthetic condition of her intimate organs, then various vaginal rejuvenation techniques can help her here. If the problem that has arisen is a consequence of menopause, then Counseling & Ayurvedic preparations are used.

In men, erectile dysfunction is treatable in most cases.We should not forget that erectile dysfunction can occur for absolutely different reasons, and therefore, the treatment regimens are different. It is important to get to a qualified doctor who will identify the root of the problem.

The doctors of our clinic have fundamental experience in the treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in both women and men. Thanks to deep knowledge in interdisciplinary anti-aging medicine, our specialists effectively correct sexual disorders at different ages and eliminate the causes that lead to such problems.

At Dr. Erande's clinic in Pune and Mumbai, India, we will prescribe a comprehensive examination that will reveal the real cause of the disease. Then, we will recommend therapy that eliminates failures in different body systems. As a result, not only the joy of intimacy will return to you, but your health in general will be significantly improved.


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