Hypersexual Desire Disorder

HSDD Hyposexual/ Hypersexual Desire Disorder

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), sometimes known as hyposexuality or suppressed sexual desire (LSD), is a recognized sexual disorder. According to medical authorities, it is distinguished by the absence of sexual thoughts and a diminished desire for sexual action. The disorder may cause severe suffering, hinder interpersonal communication, and not be explained by other mental, physical, or drug-related illnesses in order to be classed as one. Individuals with LSD exhibit a lack of sexual initiative and a modest response to partner approaches. There are two types of HSDD: general and situational HSDD, as well as acquired and lifelong versions.

Dr. Erande provides expert treatment and understanding in resolving these difficulties in Pune and Mumbai, India. With sexual health experience, we focus on personalizing therapies to individual requirements, fostering emotional well-being as well as healthy relationships.

What are the Causes of Low Sexual Desire and HSDD?

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, often known as HSDD, is a disorder in which a person has a very low desire for sexual activity. What distinguishes HSDD from a simple lack of sexual desire is that it causes significant problems and distress in a person's life, especially in their relationships with others. HSDD has three forms in males:

  • Lifetime/Generalized: The guy has little or no desire for sexual stimulation (with or without a partner) and has never had it.
  • Acquired/Generalized: The guy previously had a sexual interest in his present relationship but now has no interest in sexual activity, whether with a partner or alone.
  • Acquired/Situational: The guy was previously sexually interested in his present partner but now lacks sexual interest in that partner yet desires sexual stimulation (either alone or with someone other than his current spouse).

The origins of these categories vary. The reason for lifelong HSDD is unknown. The causes of acquired HSDD include health concerns, psychological disorders, low testosterone, or excessive prolactin. Neurotransmitter abnormalities, such as low dopamine, may have a role. Relationship problems or sickness may cause situational HSDD.

Dr. Erande specializes in treating HSDD and its underlying causes. Our skilled specialists understand the many aspects that influence sexual desire and provide customized treatments. We are committed to offering comprehensive therapy to help you reclaim a full and gratifying personal life, whether you have lifelong, acquired, or temporary HSDD.

How is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) Diagnosed?

Men with hypoactive sexual drive disorder have a continuous lack of sexual ideas or fantasies as well as a desire for sexual engagement. Sexual interest/arousal disease in women is characterized by decreased sexual interest and arousal, with specific symptoms such as low desire for sex, few sexual thoughts, and lessened enjoyment. Both need the existence of symptoms for at least six months, producing severe suffering. Other illnesses are ruled out, and discrepancies between partners are not diagnostic. Asexual self-identification precludes diagnosis. The clinical examination takes the patient's age and cultural environment into account.

Explore these diagnoses at Dr. Erande's clinic, where thorough examinations consider patient age and cultural context. Our skilled staff provides symptom alleviation and specific assistance.

How can HSDD be treated?

In some cases, HSDD may go away on its own. If you've been very stressed about life's problems, and then they eventually resolve, you may find that your sex drive returns on its own. If you have had dysphoria but are receiving gender reassurance help, you may also find that you have a desire to have sex again.

In other situations, HSDD does not go away on its own; rather, a combination of medications and therapy may be effective for those diagnosed with HSDD. At Dr Erande’s We Take Proper History to Know the exact reason for HSDD. Then with proper Counseling try to solve these issues Psychologically or Emotionally. Whenever necessary Natural Ayurvedic medicines that increase Testosterone and libido are often used because they increase sex drive. Exercise, communication, and couple therapy may also be helpful in improving HSDD.

If you suffer from HSDD, help is available in Pune and Mumbai, India. For you to be diagnosed with this, you need at least six consecutive months of reduced sex drive that affects your life. Talk to our doctor about the right treatment for you, and know that you can feel like yourself again.

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